Profile PictureBruno De Sousa Oliveira

High Res PSD file: Spider-Man/Iron Man double-spread

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High Res PSD file: Spider-Man/Iron Man double-spread


High resolution PSD file with all the layers (layout, pencils and inks) of a double-spread sample page featuring Spider-Man, Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow and Jack O’Lantern from Marvel.

The double-spread page was done in Procreate, using an iPad Pro 12.9.


Arquivo PSD em alta resolução com todas as camadas (layout, lápis e arte-final) de uma amostra de página dupla com Homem-Aranha, Homem de Ferro, Thor, Viúva Negra e Jack O’Lantern da Marvel.

A página dupla foi feita num iPad Pro de 12.9 usando o app Procreate.

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1 high resolution PSD file with all the layers

74.2 MB
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